Puma Capital Group

Puma participates in the 10,000 Black Interns scheme, which provides paid internships for underrepresented young Black talent

Puma participates in the 10,000 Black Interns scheme

#10,000 Black InternsIbrahim, a Kings College London master’s student, who applied through the scheme and successfully completed multiple stages of interviews and a written assessment with us, is part way through his internship at Puma. We asked Ibrahim to tell us in his own words his reflections and what the scheme has meant to him:


When one steps into the world of Investments, it's akin to navigating unfamiliar territory. It's a complex, detail-oriented field that demands critical thinking and an analytical mind. Now in my sixth week of a ten-week internship at Puma Investments, I have experienced first-hand the challenges and collaborative spirit that define this sector and, more importantly, Puma itself.

My team members, who are leading the investment process daily, are the embodiment of brilliance and thoroughness. Their ability to ask the right questions when assessing potential investments never fails to blow my mind. Many times, I found myself concluding that a company would make a perfect investment, but after getting alternative perspectives I quickly realized I’ve missed quite a bit. The attention to detail with which they approach every transaction is a testament to their years of experience, and their work has been a masterclass for me in how to dissect and truly comprehend the viability of potential investments.

However, the Investments industry, despite its image, is not purely about profits, deals and spreadsheets. Just as important, is the culture of the organization in which one works. At Puma, the culture is one of its standout characteristics in my humble opinion. It is perfectly balanced, where the weight of work is counterbalanced with warmth, inclusion, and engagement. The firm regularly hosts special events that foster interaction beyond my immediate team, rather across the entire company allowing me to meet new faces and create friendships.

  Ibrahim Dahab


As a newcomer, I initially expected to feel overwhelmed or lost in such an environment as one naturally would. However, the people at Puma ensured that wasn't the case. From day one, I was embraced as an integral part of the team, quickly getting comfortable and engaged with not only my immediate team members but also with employees across the firm.  From multiple sit downs with Cara, or bi-weekly meetings with my mentor Kelvin, I’ve always felt a strong support system helping me navigate the last 6 weeks of my internship. The firm's emphasis on inclusion and participation eased my transition into the PE team and accelerated my learning curve.

Reflecting on my experience so far, I can see the progress I’ve made, while simultaneously, I also understand there’s a lot more I need to learn and improve. As I continue my journey at Puma, I am eager to absorb more, learn more, and contribute more. The culture, the people, and the work have all been integral to my growth. With four weeks left, I can only anticipate further enriching my understanding of this industry. Each day brings new lessons.

A shoutout to my boss, Rupert, whose cool demeanor, and eloquence have truly set a new standard in leadership for me. His gift of articulating complex concepts with clarity, paired with his approachable nature, makes him not only the most impressive but also one of the most inspiring individuals I have had the pleasure to work with. I also can’t forget Ryan, Ben, Henri, Mark, Kelvin, Chloe, Charlotte, James, and Harriett from the PE team for helping me every step of the way!